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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Kings Quest 8 : Mask of Eternity System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-06-28 01:12:10 Views : 16571 Cheat : Any time during the game press Ctrl+Shift+7 and then you will see some code a at the bottom that says password: there is none. Type one of the following codes to enable the cheat: god- to go into god mode where your stats are way up and you can't be harmed by CREATURES! other things can still kill you like the river of death and traps and falling. bump- walk through walls. type it again to turn off. teleport- (I don't suggest using this one because it can freeze up the game if you go somewhere that you haven't accessed yet) it clears your map and you will be instantly transported to any place oon the map you click. give *****- this gives you inventory items. the programmers have certain names for certain objects that are rather strange. give silvercoins # - will give you that much money give mushroom # - gives you the # of mushrooms give crystal # - gives you that many crystals give sacredwater # - gives you that much sacred water give elixeroflife # - gives you that much elixer of life *give invunerabile # - that many shield potions give strength # - that many strength potions *give clarity # - that many potions of reveal give invisible # - that many potions of invisibility To exit this menu just press Ctrl+Shift+7 again. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Kings Quest 8 : Mask of Eternity cheat codes.
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